Saturday, November 23, 2013

Upside-down Land

You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more of our money.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of"underprivileged" drug addicts are left to fiend for themselves.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • Working class Americans pay for their own health care (and the health care of everyone else) while unmarried women are free to have child after child on the "States" dime while never being held responsible for their own choices.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • The government's plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • The rights of the Government come before the rights of the individual.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their children.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • You pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while buying iphones, TV's and new cars) and the government forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...

  • You have to have your parents signature to go on a school field trip but not to get an abortion.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
An 80 year old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a Muslim woman in aburqa is only subject to having her neck and head searched.

August 2012

John Pufh Outstanding Art Work

Pretty amazing!!
Artist John Pugh does it again and again!

3D murals painted on the sides of buildings by Trompe L'oeil (trick-of-the-eye) artist John Pugh:

 Main Street, Los Gatos, California. Even the woman peering into the ruin is part of the mural.

Taylor Hall, California State University, Chico , California. The Doric-style columns are actually nothing but paint.

 Honolulu, Hawaii. This mural took two months of studio work to plan and another six months to execute with the help of 11 other artists. Featured are Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of the Hawaiian Islands, and Duke Kahanamoku, the ultimate father of surfing. Even the stairs and of course, the sightseers, are part of the mural. Hard to believe this isn't 3-D. Check out the wave at the top. The fake skylight. Wow!

 This mural at the Cafe Espresso, San Jose, California, is entitled "Art Imitating Life Imitating Art Imitating Life".  This customer doesn't leave at closing time. And, there is no doorway or stairs to go through or climb... and the statue never needs dusting.

 Twenty-nine Palms, California. Valentine the bull and a patient buzzard are waiting for the artist to awake. No way... yup, way. This is all painting. Check along the base of the wall and you can see the seam between the vertical wall and the paved parking lot. How real can it get. Just outstanding.

 Looks like a nice spot to rest your weary feet on a sidewalk in front of the Sarasota County Health Center, Florida.

 Bay in a Bottle, Santa Cruz, California .. The passerby is part of the mural.

 "Slowin' Down to Take a Look" in Winslow, Arizona .. Included, of course, is "a girl, my lord, in a flat bed Ford slowin' down to take a look at me."

 Artist John Pugh
Click here for more murals
  August 2012

Advice to a Sister


1 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 cup skim milk


1 small portion lean, steamed chicken
1 cup spinach
1 cup herbal tea
1 Hershey's kiss

Afternoon Tea
The rest of the Hershey Kisses in the bag
1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips


4 glasses of wine (red or white)
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size supreme pizza
3 Snickers Bars

Late Night Snack

1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)

Stressed spelled backward is desserts.

If you delete this message, you will gain 10 pounds immediately.
That's why I had to pass this on; I didn't want to risk it.

Handle every stressful situation like a dog.
Pee on it and walk away

August 2012

Where Did Maxine Come From?

After the Maxine jokes below there is a summary on how she was created and a photo of her creator.
More from the gal everyone loves and admires, and you finally get to meet her creator at the end.

John Wagner, Hallmark artist since 1970, says Maxine was inspired by his mother, his maiden aunts and his grandmother, the woman who bought him art lessons when 'fill in the pumpkins' was about the extent of his art classes at St. John's Catholic School in Leonia, NJ.

John remembers doodling as a preschooler and says both his grandmother and his mother encouraged his artistic interests. He eventually attended the Vesper George Schoolof Art in Boston and landed at Hallmark as part of a new artists group. But it was the birth of the humorous Shoebox Greetings (a tiny little division of Hallmark) in 1986 that added a new dimension to John's professional life. The Shoebox way of seeing the world unleashed his talents and he created Maxine.

Why the name 'Maxine'? 'People at Shoebox started referring to the character as 'John Wagner's old lady,' and I knew that would get me into trouble with my wife,' John says. The Shoebox team had a contest among themselves to name the character and three of the approximately 30 entries suggested 'Maxine'. John says the name is perfect.

John, who says he's humbled by such acceptance of Maxine, admits he's proud of her.

Now you know the story of how Maxine came to be. 

"If you ain't laughin' ain't livin!"     

July 2012