Happy Mother’s Day!

We will celebrate the wonder and glory of motherhood this coming Sunday.

We will echo words of love and tenderness as we say, "Happy Mother's Day!"

“Mother carries the child in her womb for nine months and in her heart forever.”

These few words sum up the meaning and significance of the word Mother. Mother is undoubtedly the most beautiful, memorable, and lovable word in any language. This confirms the importance of a mother in our lives. Mother stands for millions of things that she gives to her children. It also stands for innumerable sacrifices, difficulties, and sorrows, which she willingly accepts to keep her children happy and secure. No joy can equal the matchless elation of a mother gazing into the eyes of her child, with those tender maternal feelings that lift the soul heavenward. The most important woman in an individual’s life is his or her mother. Her presence affects us throughout our life. She cannot be replaced by anyone else.

Celebrated every year, Mother’s Day is an occasion set apart for an individual to express their love and respect for their dear mother. It is a time to honor your mother for all her selfless acts done in your behalf. On Mother’s Day you can tell your Mom that she will always be important to you and that you will continue to love her forever. While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium, which also celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May.

See Mother, Funny Funny Mother

by Unknown

See Mother. See Mother laugh. Mother is happy.
Mother is happy about Christmas.
Mother has many plans. Mother has many plans for Christmas.
Mother is organized. Mother smiles all the time.
Funny, funny Mother.
See Mother. See Mother smile. Mother is happy.
The shopping is all done. See the children watch TV.
Watch, children watch.
See the children change their minds.
See them ask for different toys.
Look, look, Mother is not smiling.
Funny, funny Mother.

See Mother. See Mother sew.
Mother will make dresses.
Mother will make robes.
Mother will make shirts.

See Mother put the zipper in wrong.
See Mother sew the dress on the wrong side.
See Mother cut the skirt too short.
See Mother put the material away until January.
Look. Look. See Mother take a tranquilizer.
Funny, funny Mother.

See Mother. See Mother buy raisins and nuts.
See Mother buy candied pineapple and powdered sugar.
See Mother buy flour, and dates, and pecans, and brown sugar, and bananas, and spices, and vanilla.
Look. Look. Mother is mixing everything together.
See the children press out cookies.
See the flour on their elbows.
See the cookies burn. See the cake fall.
See the children pull taffy. See mother pull her hair.
See mother clean the kitchen with the garden hose.
Funny, funny Mother.

See Mother. See Mother wrap presents. See Mother look for the end on the scotch tape roll. See Mother bite her finger nails. See Mother go.
See Mother go to the store 12 times in one hour.
Go Mother go. See Mother go faster. Run Mother run.
See Mother trim the tree.
See Mother have a party.
See Mother make popcorn.
See Mother wash the walls.
See Mother scrub the rug.
See Mother tear up the organized plan.
See Mother forget gift for Uncle Harold.
See Mother get hives.
Go Mother go. See the far away look in Mother's eyes.
Mother has become disorganized. Mother has become disoriented.
Funny, funny Mother.

It is finally Christmas morning. See the happy family.
See Father smile. Father is happy.
Smile Father smile.
Father loves fruit cake.
Father loves Christmas pudding.
Father loves all the new neckties.
Look, look. See the happy children. See the children's toys.
Santa was very good to the children.
The children will remember this Christmas.

See Mother. Mother is slumped in a chair.
Mother is crying uncontrollably.
Mother does not look well.
Mother has ugly dark circles under her blood shot eyes.
Everyone helps mother to her bed.
See Mother sleep quietly under heavy sedation.
See Mother smile.
Funny, funny Mother.