Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day - Know Your History . . .

Memorial Day was started by former slaves on May 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp. They dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting for their freedom. They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black children where they marched, sang and celebrated.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Will Smith's 2 MIL Motor Home

That's a lot of motor home!!

Enjoy the Birds of Paradise

Truly incredible Video -


The Joy of Being a Baby Elephant!

This is a lot of fun and the music makes it even more fun!

Your Smile for the Day.

The original video was deleted from youtube -
so, I found this one instead.
Fun - but no fun music!

BEST Super Bowl Commercial

Sooo sorry guys . . . it's a HUGE bummer these aren't on this youtube channell anymore - And I didn't say what they were about - so I don't know what to search for to post them again.
Again, SORRY!

WONDERFUL!Trust us, you want to watch this Super Bowl commercial Most of the radio show today was dedicated to dissecting the State of the Union… and making fun of Jeffy.

So you’re probably in the mood for something a little more heartwarming.
Ladies and gentlemen, just check out this video and prepare to feel really, really good about life for a few minutes.

I think this one came out first

Then this one followed the next year?

Hilarious Comedy Balance Beam Routine

This is hilarious!!  
So much fun!  ENJOY!!

1988 Paul Hunt gymnastics 
comedy  beam routine


One of the best 
"America Tributes" 
you will ever watch

You will never seen anyone fold an American Flag with 
such respect and love as someone in the military. 

Shopping in Texas

How do you know you're shopping in Texas?

.. takes about 5 seconds ..



WOW!!  THIS IS AMAZING FILM MAKING!  This is quite a video.

Osprey are in the eagle family, so are quite strong.
Watching this bird shake off the water – never seen anything like that before.
This is an amazing bird!!

An osprey in action
This is truly incredible video. 

Birds On A Wire

One morning while reading a newspaper, Jarbas saw a photograph of birds on an electric wire. He cut out the photo and was inspired to make a song using the exact location of the birds as musical notes. He was curious to hear what melody the birds created.

He sent the music to the photographer, Paulo Pinto, who told his editor, who told a reporter and the story ended up as an interview in the newspaper. It ended up Winner of the YouTube Play Guggenheim Biennial Festival.

Just have a listen below at how incredible this sounds.

You can check out Jarbas Agnelli’s live presentation of Birds On The Wires

109 Year Old Film

This film was lost for many years. It was the first 35mm film that has come to light.

It was taken by camera mounted on the front of a cable car as it travels down the street. You feel as though you are there, standing at the front looking down Market Street San Francisco, an amazing historical film.

The number of automobiles is staggering for 1906. Absolutely amazing!
The clock tower at the end of Market Street at the Embarcadero wharf is still there.

The first track from Airs' Moon Safari album, accompanied by scenes from a video shot from a streetcar traveling down Market Street in San Francisco in 1905.
Before the earthquake/fire of 1906 destroyed the area. 

Remarkable footage of the turn of the century lifestyles in California. Made by cleaverb!
The video is CC no rights reserved.  You can download video from the

Search for " trip down 1905 " without quotes.
I used the big 330MB(145MB mpeg) version,but you can download other formats.

Hilarious SWA Flight Attendant

MEN'S Brains and WOMAN'S brains Explained Perfectly!

Mark Gungor - Men's Brain Women's Brain
the hilarious standup about the differences between men's brain & women's brain


The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!

That's why I keep telling people, but some never listen; your beliefs, words, and thoughts, create the greater potential to manifest disease and sickness. I am not perfect but I have healed mySelf by changing my MIND many times. SO can you!!!! 'Say your feeling much better.' Rather than saying, 'I am sick!' Because your mind as a creator will give you just as you ordered.

Physician heal thyself, is my motto.

The INCREDIBLE Power Of Concentration 
- Mikyoko Shida
There are no words to describe 
Miyoko Shida's performance 
for the Spanish TV program "Tú Sí Que Vales" 
("You Can Do It").


Touch - Jean-Baptiste Chandelier 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day To The Greatest Mom!!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone, whether you are a

mother, have a mother, or love someone who is a

mother this is a day to celebrate love. 

And oh yeah, you're awesome!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Heart of a Mother - The Beauty Of A Mother's Love

Click on the link
(The picture above or title below)
 to see the beautiful quotes below
on Mother's in a beautiful video:

Heart of a Mother Inspirational Movie

The Beauty of a Mother's Love
The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God, 
is the heart of a Mother.
~ St. Therese of Lisieux

The moment a child is born, the Mother is also born.
She never existed before.  
The women existed, but the Mother, never.
A Mother is something absolutely new.
~ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Making a decision to have a child is momentous, 
It is to decide forever to have your heart 
go walking around outside your body.
~ Elizabeth Stone

The noblest calling in the world is that of a Mother . . . 
She deserves the highest honor that man can give.
~ David O. McKay

A Mother is she who can take the place 
of all others but 
whose place no one else can take.
~ Cardinal Mermillod

The heart of a Mother is a deep abyss 
at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
Honoré de Balzac

It is not what you do for your children 
but what you have taught them to do for themselves 
that will make them successful human beings.
~ Ann Landers

A Mother hold her children's hand for awhile, 
but their hearts forever
~ Author Unknown

A hundred years from now 
it will not matter what my bank account was, 
the sort of house I lived in, 
or the kind of car I drove, 
but the world may be different 
because I was important in the life of a child.
~ Forest E. Witcraft

The greatest gifts you can give your children 
are roots of responsibility and wings of independence.
~ Denis Waitley

A final thought about the beauty of a Mother's Love:

Before you were conceived, I wanted you.
Before you were born, I loved you.
Before you were here an hour, I would die for you.
This is the miracle of life.
~ Maureen Hawkins

Happy Mother's Day - Mother-Daughter Pictures

Thursday, May 8, 2014

An Attitude of Gratitude

This will surprise you and then make you smile
and remember the job that you created
and how great this person was at her job.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gender Logic!! - You'll Enjoy This One!

Exciting Australia Tourist Stop

Lion Feeding time...


This is the Werribee Open Range Zoo in Victoria Australia, and only the hood of the car is outside the glass cage with lions. The rest of the car is on the inside. Very interesting way of interacting with the lions.
The seats are cleaned after every trip.

Certainly Some Wisdom Here.........