Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mind Tricks

These are very interesting -

Do you see a duck or a rabbit??

Is the man looking at you or to the side?

Is this possible??

 Focus on the dot in the Centre and move your head backwards and forwards.
             Weird Hey . . .

Is this possible?

Are the purple lines strait or bent?
(Look at the picture sideways)

No explaining this one . . . just look at the pic!!
Are they really moving or just an illusion?

Do you see the gray areas in between the squares?

You should see a man's face and also a word . . .
    Hint:  Try tilting your head to the right, the word begins with "L".

If you take a look at the following picture, let me tell you . . . it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or look at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous one will move after you take your eyes away from itWeird ? 


If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot,
the dots will remain only one color, pink.
However if you stare at the black ' + ' in the center,
the moving dot turns to green.
Now, concentrate on the black ' + ' in the center of the picture.
After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear,
and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.
It 's amazing how our brain works.
There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. 
This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see. 

March 2008

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