Monday, July 29, 2024

AI - Taking Over Your Child's Life . . . ???

 Social Media Scare for Parents, Children, Grandparents . . . 

I first saw this on instagram - here are some of the comments from that post:

Big Tech in close partnership with big government has been doing this for a long time long before there was any indication that they would use it for evil. In fact, they promised us they would not use it for evil, but they did and they still are, and they will continue. But they will blame parents and friends, and even the victim themselves for being careless and reckless Online. This is the frosting on the devil’s cake. everyone trusted tech and gov when they assured us that our privacy mattered and our content was protected. It never was. They lied and now they will point the finger at parents and friends and the victims themselves. This is absolutely the height of the most evil.

But the today's generation didn't even hesitate to upload their photos on social media, specially girls....if you have trust on your followers likes your friends and relatives so make your account private 🙄....AI is already Dangerous

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