Saturday, December 15, 2012

Time Passes

*Time passes.*

*Life happens. *

*Distance separates.  *

*Children grow up. *

*Jobs come and go. *

*Love waxes and wanes.  *

*Men don't do
what they're supposed to do. *

*Hearts break. *

*Parents die. *

*Colleagues forget favors.  *

*Careers end. *

*   *

Sisters are there, no matter how much time 
and how many miles are 
between you.  *

*A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her. *

*When you have to walk that lonesome valley  *

*and you have to walk it by yourself,  *

*the women in your life will be on the valley's rim,  *

*cheering you on, *

*praying for you, *

*pulling for you, *

*intervening on your behalf,  *

 *and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. *

*Sometimes, *

*they will even break the rules and walk beside you,  *

 *or come in and carry you out. 

Girlfriends,  *

 *daughters, *

 *granddaughters, *
 *daughters-in-law, *

 *sisters, *

*sisters-in-law, *

 *mothers, *

 *grandmothers, *

 *aunties, *

 *nieces, *

 *cousins *

 *and extended family all bless our life. 
When we began this adventure
called womanhood,  *

 *we had no idea of the incredible  *

 *joys or sorrows that lay ahead,  *

 *nor did we know how much we would need each other. *

 *Every day, we need each other still. **

 *help make your life meaningful.  **   

November 2007

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